Training & Workshops

Training & Workshops

Training & Workshops

  • At Hazchem Services, we have created a half-day workshop on Hazardous Substances Management, which is perfect for:

    • People entering work environments whereby they are new to understanding and having to work with chemicals. 
    • People who have been working with chemicals and need to understand more about how they are managed and legislated.
  • The course covers a wide range of topics, including:

    • ​Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods Classification.
    • Legal aspects, an overview of the HSNO and HSWA Acts and Regulations with a focus on Hazardous Substances requirements. 
    • Safety Data Sheets, Safe Storage of Chemicals, Spill Management, and Hazardous Waste Management. 

Feedback from workshop participants has been phenomenal, and Hazchem Services are currently working with the industry to expand this training to other businesses.

There are two versions of our training program - the general industry workshop and the laboratory version, which targets commercial and industrial laboratory team members. 

For more information about our training and workshops, don’t hesitate to contact us. 


Consulting Services

If your company needs a larger holistic plan for hazardous waste management, please request our consulting services by contacting us or visiting our sister company, Environmental Solutions, for more information. 

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